Dreams Interpretation of Mirror
Mirrors give you a glimpse of who you are. Sometimes, a mirror not only makes you see a reflection of the external you, but also the internal you, depending on the level of understanding you have of your conscience.
If you dream of a mirror, you are getting a sign from your conscience about your own appearance. Try remembering the feeling that you go through when you see yourself in the mirror in your dream. if you are happy with your appearance, you are going to build a huge amount of confidence in your present time. On the other hand, if you feel bad about your reflection, it is time for you to bring some changes into your life.
Seeing yourself in the mirror means luck. If you see yourself as a beautiful person and much better than what you are in your waking life, you are going to get some good news since it is a good luck. On the other hand, if you see yourself as an ugly person in the mirror, it is sheer bad luck.
Dreaming of seeing yourself dull and sad in the mirror means that you are not happy with your life.
A mirror represents reflection, your twin sister/brother, soul, a true friend, a stranger, a known person, a loved one and trapped in sadness.
If you have a twin sister or brother and you see yourself in the mirror in your dream, it reflects the bond between you and him or her.
If you dream of looking at a depressed yourself in the mirror, it means that you are trapped in unhappiness. You have probably changed for bad and you are completely desperate to get back to your good self.
Dreaming of breaking the mirror means freeing yourself from a trap or loneliness.
Most Common Mirror Dreams:
Seeing someone else in the mirror - You are trying to be someone that you are not, if you dream of seeing someone else in the mirror.
Breaking the glass in frustration - This dream may make you look like you are in some sort of despair, but it is actually a positive dream. You are soon going to be free from your stress!
Wicked reflection - You have done something terribly bad to someone, if you see such a dream.
A mirror in a dream can hold a variety of symbolic meanings, as it can represent self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-image. Here are the most 20 popular dreams about mirrors and their possible interpretations:
Dreaming of looking in a mirror
: This dream can symbolize self-reflection and self-awareness. It may indicate that you are taking the time to reflect on yourself and your actions, and that you are becoming more aware of your own thoughts and feelings. It can also represent the need to accept oneself, and to be honest with oneself.Dreaming of breaking a mirror
: This dream can symbolize a sense of bad luck or a change in fate. In the past, breaking a mirror was considered to bring seven years of bad luck, so this dream may reflect a fear of change or a fear of negative consequences. It can also indicate that the dreamer feels like their reflection is distorted and needs to be fixed.Dreaming of a cracked mirror
: This dream can symbolize a sense of imperfection or incompleteness. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of incompleteness or that you are not satisfied with your current situation. It can also represent inner turmoil or a disconnection with yourself.Dreaming of a distorted mirror
: This dream can symbolize a sense of confusion or uncertainty. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of confusion or that you are unsure of who you are or what you want. It can also represent a distorted perception of yourself or a distorted self-image.Dreaming of a clean mirror
: This dream can symbolize a sense of clarity and understanding. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of clarity and that you have a good understanding of yourself and your actions. It can also represent a positive self-image.Dreaming of a dirty mirror
: This dream can symbolize a sense of neglect or avoidance. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of neglect or that you are avoiding dealing with your own thoughts and feelings. It can also represent a negative self-image.Dreaming of a mirror that doesn"t show your reflection
: This dream can symbolize a sense of invisibility or lack of self-expression. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of invisibility or that you are not expressing yourself fully. It can also represent a fear of being seen or a lack of self-confidence.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a different person
: This dream can symbolize a sense of identity confusion or a lack of self-awareness. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of confusion about your identity or that you are not fully aware of your own thoughts and feelings.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a future version of yourself
: This dream can symbolize a sense of anticipation or a desire for self-improvement. It may indicate that you are looking forward to the future and that you are striving for self-improvement.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a past version of yourself
: This dream can symbolize a sense of nostalgia or a desire for self-reflection. It may indicate that you are reflecting on the past and that you are looking back on your own history.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a scary or terrifying image
: This dream can symbolize a sense of fear or a fear of self-discovery. It may indicate that you are afraid of what you will discover about yourself or that you are afraid of facing your own thoughts and feelings.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a deceased loved one
: This dream can symbolize a sense of grief or a desire for closure. It may indicate that you are missing a loved one who has passed away and that you are looking for closure or a sense of closure.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a change in your appearance
: This dream can symbolize a sense of transformation or a change in self-perception. It may indicate that you are experiencing a change in your life and that you are aware of the changes happening in yourself. It can also represent a change in your self-image or how you see yourself.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a supernatural image
: This dream can symbolize a sense of the unknown or a connection to the spiritual realm. It may indicate that you are open to new experiences and new ways of thinking, or that you have a strong spiritual connection.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a loved one instead of yourself
: This dream can symbolize a sense of connection or a desire for closeness. It may indicate that you have a strong connection with the person who is reflected in the mirror, or that you are seeking a deeper connection with them.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a different version of your home
: This dream can symbolize a sense of change or a desire for a different living situation. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of change in your home life, or that you are looking for a new living situation.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a different version of your career
: This dream can symbolize a sense of change or a desire for a different career path. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of change in your career or that you are looking for a new career path.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a different version of your body
: This dream can symbolize a sense of change or a desire for self-improvement. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of change in your physical appearance, or that you are looking for ways to improve your physical appearance.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a different version of your future
: This dream can symbolize a sense of change or a desire for a different future. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of change in your future, or that you are looking for a different future.Dreaming of a mirror that shows a different version of your past
: This dream can symbolize a sense of change or a desire for a different past. It may indicate that you are feeling a sense of change in your past, or that you are looking for a different past.It"s important to remember that the interpretation of a dream is subjective and can be influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and beliefs. It"s important to consider the context of the dream, how it relates to your own life experiences, and how you feel about yourself and the image you see in the mirror. If the dream is making you feel uncomfortable or if it"s a recurring dream, it may be beneficial to talk to a therapist or counselor to explore the underlying emotions and fears that may be causing the dream.