Dreams Interpretation of Bikini
Bikini dreams are often mistaken of being sexual. There are lot of clues, meanings and signs that these dreams try to convey to you. Bikini dreams usually represent the feeling of being exposed to someone or something.Let's find out what they mean in your dreams.
Bikini dreams signify your internal insecurity and fear of losing something. This emotional disturbance often leads to situations when you are fearful of bursting out in public. Many people are often tolerant in difficult situations. however, it may sometime make them frustrated. These dreams signify their insecurity of breaking down. Try to be away from people who try to humiliate you. Do not engage in committing wrong things or else the guilt of being exposed will sit in your subconscious mind.
Some women also dream about traveling in public with bikini on their body. This could be due to the innocence and teenage that they are missing in life. The wish of living freely and the desire to do things without any fear is still running in their mind. If someone in your workplace is trying to out you down and make you feel weak, these dreams are likely to come.
Some males also dream about bikinis. Their sexual feelings and expectations about partner's figure keeps rolling in their mind.
Most Common Bikini Dreams:
To see a girl in bikini: If a man sees a girl in bikini in dream, it means that he is likely to meet someone bold and beautiful. If a woman sees a girl in bikini in dream, it means that she needs to express her feelings freely.
To see a sensual bikini: Bikinis are usually a sensual outfit, but those who dream about specific fabrics like animal prints represent wild and intense desires. An open discussion with your partner about these feelings may help you to open up.
To see an old woman in bikini: To see an old woman in bikini means that you are scared of the ageing symptoms and fearful of losing your beauty. Take life as it comes and live every moment full of life.